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Pediatric Basic Life Support (BLS) Algorithm

For anyone involved in emergency care or situations for children, understanding the Pediatric BLS algorithm is crucial, whether you are a health care professional, a parent, or a teacher. 

This algorithm is an in-depth guide to the critical steps and procedures you will need to undertake during an emergency response, improving your readiness to provide life-saving care in real-life scenarios.

What is the Pediatric BLS Algorithm?

The pediatric BLS algorithm involves sequenced life-saving actions directed toward dealing with infants and children in emergency scenarios. These easy-to-understand steps are designed to be simple but crucial, empowering individuals with the required knowledge to take swift action that can significantly improve survival rates.

Pediatric BLS Algorithm

Key Steps of the Pediatric BLS Algorithm

1. Initial Assessment

  • Unresponsive without Normal Respirations: Check for responsiveness and normal breathing.

  • Action: Call 911 immediately and get an AED (Automated External Defibrillator)

  • 2. Ensure High-Quality CPR

  • Rate of at least 100 compressions per minute

  • Compression depth to one-third the depth of the chest between compressions.

  • Minimal interruptions during chest compressions.

  • Do not over-ventilate.

  • Ensure that each breath makes the chest rise.

  • 3. Assess Circulation

  • Weak or No Pulse: Assess quickly for a definite pulse (five to 10 seconds).

  • If Unsure or No Pulse: Begin CPR. If one rescuer, begin cycles of 30 compressions and two breaths. If two rescuers, begin cycles of 15 compressions and two breaths.

  • 4. AED Advanced Care

  • AED Arrives, and Shock is Administered: Immediately resume CPR for two minutes. Assess rhythm every two minutes and repeat shock administration if mentioned on the AED device.

  • No Shock Advised: Continue CPR and reassess the patient’s rhythm after every two minutes.

  • Continue steps until ACLS providers arrive or until the patient shows signs of return to circulation.
  • The pediatric BLS algorithm is essential for anyone caring for children or infants. Regular training and up-to-date certification can prepare you for emergency situations in which you need to respond quickly.

    Make sure you are prepared in the case of a pediatric emergency. Obtaining the right skills through a pediatric BLS certification can be a life-saving advantage. Visit our BLS certification page below to learn more about our courses and getting certified.