Basic Life Support (BLS) for Adults
Multitasking is one of the most prominent features of BLS for adults. Old recommendations would indicate that one-rescuer CPR was the highlighted method in BLS. However, real-life situations illustrate that there are often many individuals present at cardiac event. A group is management, resuscitation, and AED usage, all of which should be carried out as a team. A collective effort toward rescuing results in a faster response time, which means less damage to the brain and heart.
What is BLS for Adults?
BLS for adults involves sequenced life-saving actions directed toward assisting adults in emergencies, particularly in cases of cardiac arrest. This algorithm focuses primarily on immediately and effectively restoring the patient’s breathing and circulation.
Simple Adult BLS Algorithm

Key Steps of the Adult BLS Algorithm
1. Initial Response
2. Begin Immediate Action
3. AED Integration and Monitoring
BLS for adults helps to prepare you with the critical skills needed in emergency cases involving adult patients. Regular training and up-to-date certification can prepare you for emergencies in which you need to respond quickly.
Make sure you are prepared to save lives in an emergency. Obtaining the right skills through an adult BLS certification can be a life-saving advantage. Visit our BLS certification page below to learn more about our courses and getting certified.