The Stay at Home Nurse: Top 5 Work-From-Home Nurse Careers
The Stay at Home Nurse: Top 5 Work-From-Home Nurse Careers

by Greta Kviklyte
Life Saver, AMC
Co-authored by Kim Murray, RN, M.S.
posted on Jan 16, 2016, at 9:41 pm
WHEN YOU THINK OF NURSES and their job settings, we are sure that a fast-paced, hospital setting comes to mind. If you are a nurse, or considering a career in nursing, but don’t wish to work the traditional, clinical setting there are options for you that will keep you happy, sane and excited for the amazing world of nursing. Nurses can choose career options and work from home, while still receiving the benefits of working for a hospital setting. There are several options, and here is our top 5:
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The top 5 work-from-home nursing job options
1. Medical Transcription Nurse
Do dosages and medical terminology slang make you giddy? A Medical Transcription Nurse, often called a Health Care Documentation Specialist if you fancy that, have the very important job of recording, reviewing and editing medical documents and transcriptions based on audio files recorded by physicians and medical professionals. Essentially, these nurses are required to memorize, understand and interpret medical terminology and abbreviations quickly and correctly. How fun!
2. Telehealth Nurse
Do you marvel at the amazing world of fresh, accessible medical technology? Like the name implies, Telehealth Nurses, often also called Telephone Triage Nurses, help patients via phone, helping patients determine what kind of care is needed. These tech-savvy nurses answer specific questions, make proper referrals to specialized health care providers and refer to and discuss patient’s health records, tests and charts. They also schedule appointments for their patients and teach them how to better manage their symptoms.
Telehealth Nurses typically have several benefits in addition to the very flexible schedule such as working with the latest medical technology.
3. Nurse Case Manager
Do you love managing in the world of health care? A career as a Nurse Case Manager, which is often found at a hospital, can also be done right in the comfort of your home as an independent consultant. Nurse Case Managers have several responsibilities, but ultimately have one goal: to best manage longstanding care for their patients. Patients who choose to consult a Nurse Case Manager typically require either long-term or frequent care, as most are specific groups of patients, such as those with HIV/AIDS, cancer and individuals from specific age groups such as pediatrics.
Some of the daily duties of Nurse Case Managers include arranging surgeries, managing doctor’s appointments and helping to establish the best treatment plans for patients. Because Nurse Case Managers work with patients for a longer time than typical nurses and health care providers, they often have an opportunity to make long-lasting relationships and bonds with their patients.
4. Home Health Care Nurse
A work-from-home nursing jobs list wouldn’t be complete without the mention of a Home Health Care Nurse. Like the name implies, Home Health Care Nurses work with patients in their homes, instead of the typical clinic or hospital setting.
Like Nurse Case Managers, Home Health Care Nurses continue to work with patients long-term, but due to the nature of the job patients are typically older or have developmental or mobility issues. Daily responsibilities include helping patients with day-to-day health care tasks, such as medication administration and regaining physical independence.
5. Nurse Blogger
Do you love sharing and reading information and stories on the Internet? Nurse blogging is another option for those wanting a break from clinical settings but still wish to work and use the education and training required of a typical nurse. Because of the ease and accessibility, Nurse Bloggers typically are looking to leverage their nursing career by blogging on the side, but might eventually shift over to a more full-time blogging job after their blog gets some traction.
The one downside to being a Blogger is the little salary characteristic with the line of work. If you gain readers and begin to reach a bigger audience, however blogging could eventually become a career!
Check out our blog post: 10 Highly Effective Content Ideas for Professional Health Care Blogs for tips on starting your nursing blog!
There you have it, our top 5 work-from-home nursing careers that you can work towards today! Which of these would you like to do?
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