Landing Your Dream Job: What to Wear & Bring to a Nursing Interview
Landing Your Dream Job: What to Wear & Bring to a Nursing Interview

by Greta Kviklyte
Life Saver, AMC
Co-authored by Kim Murray, RN, M.S.
posted on Sep 29, 2016, at 5:10 pm
YOU’RE FINALLY FINISHED with nursing school and ready for your nursing interviews, now what? Completing your education in nursing is the first step toward a successful career in health care. But, you still need to convince potential employers to hire you. Even though you may have the skills necessary to provide superior quality of care, you need to showcase professionalism and attentiveness during your nursing interview, including wearing the proper attire and bringing appropriate documentation with you. Rather than guessing on what you need to do, follow these key steps.
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1. Dress in Business Attire
Business attire may be uncomfortable, but it shows potential employers that you can look the part of a professional employee. It also indicates how much you want to get the position. Jeans, t-shirts and sneakers are not appropriate attire for a nursing interview. A few other helpful tips include the following:
- Do not wear scrubs to your nursing interview. Wearing scrubs suggests you are just getting off work from a different employer, and you may not be serious about the possible position.
- Do not wear heavy-scented fragrances. This includes cologne, perfume and lotions. Also, some people may be allergic to certain scents, and you do not want to exacerbate allergies or breathing difficulties.
- Be properly groomed. Hair styles should be kept in a natural, low-key tones, and for men, facial hair should be properly trimmed.
- Wear a watch. Keeping track of time is critical in both health care and business.
2. Bring Relevant Documentation
If the interview is successful, you may need to fill out additional hiring paperwork or complete core competency testing. You need to be prepared for these possibilities by bringing a pen and a small notepad to the interview. These objects should be secured and readily accessible. In other words, they should not be at the bottom of a purse or other bag.
Place at least three copies of your cover letter, your resume, reference letters, nursing license, proof of NCLEX passage,CPR card and any other certifications you may have obtained in a new, crisp folder.
For example, if you have completed training in ACLS, BLS or First Aid, include proof of completion in your folder.
Organize paperwork in your folder into sets of complete documentation. You may be interviewed multiple times, and you should have all paperwork immediately available. Do not staple sets of paperwork together. Use a paperclip to keep sets separated within the folder.
3. Bring a Positive Attitude
Your personality will weigh into the interview as well. Get plenty of rest, and smile when you encounter other people. Bring a positive, upbeat personality and attitude to the interview. Lastly, if you have any questions about the position, write them down in your notepad. But, it is imperative that you only ask questions when the person interviewing you asks if you have any. Otherwise, you are ready to land your dream nursing job by making your nursing interview a success!
What would you wear and bring to a nursing interview?
Other handy resources:
- “The Best Guide to Acing your Nursing Job Interview”
- Online CPR and ACLS Certification for nursing students
Preparing for—and sailing through—the interview Once you land an interview, start preparing for it well ahead of time. Preparation can energize you, boost your confidence, and turn that confidence into a positive performance. Anticipate the types of questions you’ll be asked and practice your answers. Consider having friends ask you interview questions to practice. Be prepared for the age-old question, “Why should we hire you?” by developing talking points—three bullet points relevant to the job description and the organization’s priorities, such as customer service, quality work, and interpersonal skills.
Thanks for adding the additional advice!