Online Bloodborne Pathogens Training for Everyone
Importance of Online Bloodborne Pathogens Training

by Greta Kviklyte
Life Saver, AMC
Co-authored by Kim Murray, RN, M.S.
posted on Aug 26, 2022, at 6:09 am
As you prepare for work in a field that involves human contact and needles, it pays to be precautious–extra precautious in fact. You want to avoid contracting life-threatening diseases like HIV/AIDS due to needlestick. Use our online training for bloodborne pathogens certification to provide safety and exposure control. Learn more about what bloodborne pathogens are and how to train in any industry for this kind of situation.
We offer Online Bloodborne Pathogens Certification
What are Bloodborne Pathogens
A bloodborne pathogen is a blood-based infectious disease that travels only in blood cells. The most likely source of being contracted by a bloodborne pathogen is through a needle that sticks to your skin. This could be by choice, as with intravenous drug use, or you could be stuck by a needle when working in a hospital or tattoo studio.
Either way, if the needle contains infectious microorganisms, you will be exposed to these, which are referred to as bloodborne pathogens. Protecting against needlestick injuries is an activity that is covered in the workplace by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What are some of the most common bloodborne pathogens that you must be aware of in the workplace? “Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are three of the most common bloodborne pathogens from which health care workers are at risk. However, bloodborne pathogens are implicated in the transmission of more than 20 other pathogens,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As you can see, these are not diseases to be taken lightly.
Protections for Workers Exposed to Blood
For those who are employed in occupations involving blood contact with the public, OSHA has set a bloodborne pathogens standard. This standard is published in the Code of Federal Regulations in Title 29 CFR 1910.1030. All the specific definitions regarding bloodborne pathogens are listed here for your convenience. This includes contaminated laundry and contaminated sharps, as well as decontamination and exposure incidents.
Learn more about the terms used to define bloodborne pathogens and techniques for controlling such encounters. For example, according to the regulations, parenteral refers to “piercing mucous membranes or the skin barrier through such events as needlesticks, human bites, cuts, and abrasions.” This will help you when reading documents and information regarding how to manage bloodborne pathogens.
Online Bloodborne Pathogens Training for Healthcare Workers
Prepare for online bloodborne pathogens training for healthcare workers today. Along with resources from OSHA and the CDC, you will need to receive customized training regarding your industry. If you work in healthcare, for instance, your team will need to have different types of documents and exposure control plans compared to someone working as an aesthetician. The healthcare industry works mainly with vaccinations and injections for the sake of treatments.
This involves medication, as well as health emergencies that may be life-threatening due to blood loss. When in an emergency, timing is everything. You have to be prepared to take on any healthcare incident, including those where patients may suffer from bloodborne diseases. Here is where it is key to determine the best route of prevention. Training provides such a barrier of safety against bloodborne pathogens.
About Online Bloodborne Pathogens Training
As you work in the healthcare industry, there are two main pathways of exposure you may be subjected to when it comes to bloodborne pathogens. This includes percutaneous injuries involving contact with a sharp object. The second method is through mucocutaneous exposure. According to the CDC, mucocutaneous exposure is the “contact of a mucous membrane or non-intact skin with blood, tissue, or other potentially infectious bodily fluids.”
While protective equipment, such as gloves or face masks, can provide a barrier against such contact, this is not always available or accessible for healthcare workers. Training for healthcare workers to ward against exposure to bloodborne pathogens starts with online bloodborne pathogens training. Earn continuing education credits to help you maintain healthcare training credentials with Advanced Medical Certification (AMC).
Earn a Bloodborne Pathogens Completion Certificate
AMC provides official and industry-recognized bloodborne pathogens training online. At your convenient scheduling, you are able to maintain knowledge and updated standards regarding bloodborne pathogen exposure. Save even more time and money with the selection of BBP Certification Online. After completing this online healthcare training, you receive an Advanced Medical Certification Bloodborne Pathogens Completion Certificate.
This certificate and training are in line with the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard in Title 29 of CFR 1910.1030. Learn everything you need to know about protecting the workplace and yourself, as well as others, from exposure to diseases and illnesses, contracted through blood and/or mucus exposure. This training provides healthcare workers with two credit hours that can be applied to renewal certifications in a variety of industries.
Why Should I Choose the BBP Certification Online
Whether you work as a pharmacy technician, patient care worker, or registered nurse, you will be able to use these credit hours toward renewing your state license. You can also apply these credits and this certificate to your application for a healthcare board exam. Continue to excel in learning about the latest in healthcare industry standards by earning your Bloodborne Pathogens Completion Certificate from AMC today.
Once you complete the training and pass the final examination, you receive an instant digital BBP Certificate. Print this for your records and documentation purposes, submit this to employers, or include it on your resume for future job searches.
Training for Tattoo Artists
Working as a tattoo artist exposes you to a variety of healthcare pathogens. As this is a needle and ink profession where the customer is poked with needles repeatedly to create a visual image, you are exposed to bloodborne pathogens on a regular basis. Whether or not the customer tells you they have a bloodborne pathogen, by sticking them with a needle, you put yourself at risk of exposure. In fact, most customers may not be aware they have contracted such a disease or illness that would put you at risk as well.
This is why you want to protect yourself and your customers from your own potential bloodborne pathogens. You may have contracted a disease through accidental needlesticks without even realizing it has happened due to a lack of medical symptoms. Here is where getting certified for bloodborne pathogens will ensure you are best protected in the workplace. Along with being OSHA compliant, you are going to learn about the federal regulations and industry standards for bloodborne pathogens as depicted by the CDC.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are the forerunners of healthcare and medical advice in the industry and the world at large. Take into account their research and recommendations for staying safe as someone in the tattoo industry. Whereas you may not feel compelled to maintain the health standards of the healthcare industry, you will change your mind once you complete the BBC Certification online.
Through online bloodborne pathogens certification, you also put your customers’ minds at rest. They can be sure you are going to provide them with a safe experience when tattooing. Challenge your work crew to also earn certification in bloodborne pathogens. This will increase the safety and health standards at the tattooing shop where you work. Through AMC, you can also add CPR training as a bundle offer.
Maintain CPR and First Aid Certification along with Bloodborne Pathogens Completion Certification at the same time and from the same place. This will help your team increase productivity and boost morale. You will also impress tattoo customers who will appreciate the extra caution for their health and wellness.
Protections for Piercing Providers
If you also provide piercing services, as are available at many tattoo parlors, you also want to invest in bloodborne pathogens training and certification. In this area of body mortification, seeing blood and mucus is a daily part of the job. It only makes sense for your health and safety, and the financial success of the shop, to be BBP certified.
Learn everything there is to know about maintaining safe standards when exposed to blood and mucus when piercing. There are bound to be bodily fluids that piercers are exposed to due to the nature of the job. Therefore, you want to be aware of any protections and precautions you can take to minimize the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens in this environment.
Protect yourself from contracting the hepatitis C virus due to piercing a client, all by learning how to stay safe in such a circumstance. There are ways to manage piercing procedures for patients who are suffering from bloodborne pathogens and related diseases. By learning about these practices and subsequent precautions you should take, you will be able to provide customers with more accessible services.
Training for Microblading Technicians (Aestheticians)
Another area in line with both tattooing and piercing is microblading. A microblading technician is a type of aesthetician who works with eyebrows. The use of microblading is a specific method of removing hair without waxing or tweezing. Cosmopolitan reports that “microblading is a semi-permanent form of cosmetic tattooing.”
Similar to dying your hair, semi-permanent pigment is added to the area of your eyebrows. This is applied using several microscopic needles that leave the appearance of fine hairs. Essentially, microblading offers a henna-like tattoo for your eyebrows as a form of semi-permanent makeup.
As a result of the use of needles, when working as an aesthetician who provides microblading services, you should take online bloodborne pathogens training. Get certified in bloodborne pathogens to prepare yourself for the workplace. Protect yourself and your customers from contracting serious diseases and illnesses through the use of BBP certification by AMC.
Learn how to prevent the spread of bloodborne pathogens in case someone starts hemorrhaging while microblading is being done. Additionally, have resources on hand to clean up any bodily fluids leaked on the job site. Understand the OSHA rules for compliance in this situation. Ensure everyone in the shop also knows what to do by posting these rules in the office.
FAQs for Online Bloodborne Pathogens Training
What Can I Expect in Online Bloodborne Pathogens Training?
When you register for online bloodborne pathogens training by Advanced Medical Certification, you receive access to an online portal. Here is where you train at your convenience on how to manage bloodborne pathogens. The training is conducted 100 percent online and can be accessed at any time day or night.
Will I be Eligible for Bloodborne Pathogens Training in Any Industry?
Yes, you will be able to take online bloodborne pathogens training from any industry that you work in, ranging from healthcare to beautician. There is no prerequisite when it comes to taking courses and certifications at AMC. However, each of the training courses and bundles must be paid for in order to start training.
Are Bloodborne Pathogen Training Bundles a Good Idea?
A bundle that includes bloodborne pathogen training certification with other training will help you save money. You are able to get more than one certification completed at one time and for a reduced rate. If you want to save money on certifications, then it is a good idea to bundle up when ordering courses and certifications from AMC. This will also save you time on determining if you need to learn about other skills, such as First Aid and CPR, in addition to bloodborne pathogens.
Do I Have to be a Certain Age to Complete Certification?
No, you do not have to be a certain age in order to complete certifications for bloodborne pathogens. This training is open to all ages and backgrounds, regardless of what industry you are studying or working in. Find out how to make more income through advanced certifications by getting BBP Certification while still in high school or college. You will be able to include this information on your resume and increase your chances of employment or advancing to a higher level at your workplace.
What is your experience with bloodborne pathogens training and how did it help in your workplace? Share your thoughts in the comments section below or in our Facebook discussion.