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BLS Practice Test

Take the free BLS Practice Test provided below in order to prepare you for our official BLS online exam. The practice exam consists of 10 multiple-choice questions that are derived from the BLS provider handbook and adhere to the latest ILCOR and ECC guidelines.

1. What is the recommended BLS sequence for the 2020 ILCOR guidelines?
2. What ventilation rate should be used when CPR has been used to bring back a person’s pulse yet they are not breathing?
3. BLS considers an infant to be the following age:
4. Which step is NOT a part of the five steps in the Adult Chain of Survival?
5. How would you use the AED if you had a 49-year-old female suffers a witnessed cardiac arrest, has a history of cardiac issues and you notice a healed incision covering a bulge that is under her skin in the upper left side of her chest?
6. What do you do after immediately after delivering a shock to a person with the AED?
7. Before seeking assistance in single-rescuer scenarios ventilations are delivered to a pediatric arrest person for this reason:
8. A 21-year-old intoxicated college student turns blue and appears to be struggling to breath while eating a hot dog at a bar. You are concerned that this student may have choked. What is the best method to clear the obstruction from the airway?
9. Check for danger, ____________, and send for help are the first three steps you should take when alone to stabilize a person who appears to be having a cardiac or respiratory arrest.
10. What are the correct steps for AED operation?

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Basic Life Support (BLS) Online Handbook
